Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday Fun #52 - A Whole Year of WF!

Wow! It's been a whole year of posting something (mildly) entertaining every Wednesday. Woo-hoo! And to celebrate, I'm taking a month or so off from the WFs!

But don't be sad - the wondrous AllKnowingJen will be taking over for October and maybe a bit more. So be SURE to come back next week!

For today, however, I'd like to hear about what sort of WFs you enjoyed the most - Links? Questions about favorites? Name 3s? "Have you ever" questions?
What was fun for you?


Pusher said...

I like the favorites, because I'm frightfully evangelical AND I like getting recommendations for things.

Food trivia/quizzes might be fun. If you know the answer, you get to feel knowledgeable, and if you don't, you get to learn new stuff!

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Oh, good idea, Pusher! I like that one!