Saturday, August 17, 2019

That yummy kale salad from GAW

Ok I need this here because yum and then I don’t have to worry about losing the photo Cheese Pusher sent me again...

To try to type it out... with a couple of notes...

4 c kale [washed, ribbed, and torn into bite-size pieces]
4 Tbl olive oil [thats a quarter cup, people]
1/2 Tbl sesame oil
1 Tbl liquid aminos [I subbed in soy sauce after K couldn’t find this at the store]
1 Tbl rice wine vinegar 
1 Tbl lemon juice
4 tsp fresh ginger
Sprinkle salt and pepper 

To paraphrase: Prep kale. Mix rest. Rub liquid into kale. Delicious.