Sunday, January 30, 2022

Honey-Preserved Lemons

4 lemons (preferably Meyer), cut into 1/4" slices

4 cups water

1 T salt

1 cup sugar

3/4 cup honey

8 whole cloves

1 cinnamon stick

4 cardamom pods, lightly crushed

Place lemon slices in 2 cups water, sprinkle with salt. Set aside for 30 minutes.

Combine remaining 2 cups water, honey, sugar and spices in a pot and simmer until syrupy (roughly 10 minutes). Strain the lemons, rinse them thoroughly with cold water, and add to the syrup. Simmer over low heat 30 minutes. Cool, transfer lemons to a jar with syrup to cover. 

The remaining syrup can be used for cocktails. OR you can put it back to a simmer and reduce by about half. It will cool to a thick jelly-like consistency that you can use to make the world's best hot toddies, smear on pancakes, or whatever strikes your fancy.

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